Public Installation

Denegri Bessai Studio

Hamza Vora, Savio De Oliveira Nogueira, Luisa Cassol Pasqualotto 

Alexia Hovis, Artin Sahakian, Stuart Hamre, Laura Fox, Chloe Fratani

Toronto, ON

Scott Norsworthy

Panamaze! PanAm Pavilion

Panamaze is a temporary public space design and installation for the International Plaza of the Athletes Village at the 2015 Toronto Pan-Am Games. The Plaza is at the entrance of the village just north of the Distillery District.

An electrifying geometric pattern of individually painted red, blue, yellow, and green tiles form a lively urban mosaic for the plaza. In the heart of the pattern, four grass 'break-out' areas have been created for athletes, coaches and games volunteers to relax, socialize, and enjoy themselves between events.

A series of ephemeral tower structures punctuate the installation. Created from flexible and light-weight engineered materials, the towers bend and sway in the breeze.  They are built to resemble high performance sporting equipment from sail masts and riggings to poles for vaulting.  They occur in gently leaning pairs to signify friendship and cooperation.

Together, the combined design elements of Panamaze unify the International Plaza and create a playful and welcoming environment.


Walker Patio


North Annex House